While I play a lot of video games, I end up spending more time researching about games. Over time, I've made various documents about different gaming stuff for personal viewing. But I've realized that they might be useful for others which is why I made this page to have a proper place to share all of them. Let me know if any of these are useful for you! Commenting and suggesting are enabled for any mistakes or corrections.
Link to spreadsheets
The Nintendo DSi XL was my first ever video game console that I had, so I have a lot of love for many games on the system. I've been interested in seeing the changes between different rereleases of a game so I've decided to make a list of all games that were released on the system as well as DS(i) games that were later rereleased.
I also originally made a thread on GBATemp where I answer questions and have posted further notes, feel free to comment there too.
I also have spreadsheets for the same thing but for GBA and 3DS games, but those are still under construction since I haven't researched their libraries fully yet. I should probably move them to a separate link.
Link to spreadsheet
The Megami Tensei franchise is one that I've been very interested in because of the amount of media there is, especially the amount of media that was never officially translated and is either still in Japanese or have been fan-translated. With the amount of games, comics, animations, novels, stage plays, and comic anthologies there are; I was not able to find a comprehensive list of translations so I decided to make it myself.
I also originally posted this on the r/Megaten subreddit to answer questions. Now that comments are disabled (due to old posts automatically being archived), you can instead just contact me directly for corrections.
Right now, most wiki links are to the Fandom wiki, but I should change all links to the new independant wiki. I strongly suggest that you check out anc contribute to the new wiki.
Link to document
Just like with Megami Tensei, Falcom Japan's Dragon Slayer franchise is one with rich history but is shadowed by a single sub-series (in this case, it's the Trails series). Also like Megami Tensei, the franchise has a lot of media never officially translated so I made this list to document all of it.
I'm probably missing the more miscellaneous media for the Trails series, but my main focus was everything else that isn't Trails so please let me know if there's anything missing. I want to make this document as comprehensive as possible.
Link to document
This document was originally made by my friend Sugunii but I'm including it here because I have ownership of the Google Doc now. Sega's Shining series has been forgotten by the company now, so now is the best time to catch up with the series while it's stagnant.
While the other docs are grouped by sub-series, this one is grouped by genre since it made more sense like that.
Link to spreadsheet
I love Falcom Japan's Ys series and I need more to play despite already playing through all the Steam releases and 5 on the SNES. In preparation of the English release of Ys X: Nordics I plan on playing older English versions of the games. Not sure what I'll do once Nordics is released though.
I might translate some Ys games but I'm not sure yet. It depends on if I can hack them properly.
Link to document
When times get tough I just blame everything on Bandai Namco. They won't translate or otherwise rerelease their older titles. Thanks to fan translations for carrying this series on its back.
I haven't included any of the mobiles yet since they've all shut down.